Axis I - 14th Century Crisis, Axis II - History of Plague, Epidemiology, Publications and Resources
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K. Giffin/A. K. Lankapalli/S. Sabin u. a., A treponemal genome from an historic plague victim supports a recent emergence of yaws and its presence in 15th century Europe. Scientific Reports 10, 1, 2023, e36666. doi: 10.1038/s41598-020-66012-x
The “application of a non-targeted molecular screening tool for the parallel detection of pathogens in historical plague victims from post-medieval Lithuania” enabled a Jena based research team to show ” the presence of more than one active disease in one individual. In addition to Yersinia pestis, we detected and genomically characterized a septic infection of Treponema pallidum pertenue, a subtype of the treponemal disease family recognised as the cause of the tropical disease yaws. Our finding in northern Europe of a disease that is currently restricted to equatorial regions is interpreted within an historical framework of intercontinental trade and potential disease movements. Through this we offer an alternative hypothesis for the history and evolution of the treponemal diseases, and posit that yaws be considered an important contributor to the sudden epidemic of late 15th century Europe that is widely ascribed to syphilis. “
For a German media report see:
Tropenkrankheit im mittelalterlichen Europa. Archäologie online (12.6.2023). –
professor in medieval and postmedieval archaeology at Bamberg university
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Along with the publication of 19 ancient human genomes from Paleolithic to Bronze Age Lake Baikal, Yu et al. published two Y. pestis genomes. Remarkably, the two individuals carrying plague show no Yamnaya-related ancestry, in contrast to all previously identified individuals infected with this LNBA plague branch. Another suprising result is that the closest Y. pestis strain in the phylogeny published so far was found in Estonia (Kunila2).
Yu, H. et al. Paleolithic to Bronze Age Siberians Reveal Connections with First Americans and across Eurasia. Cell [in press] (2023) doi:10.1016/j.cell.2023.04.037
Modern humans have inhabited the Lake Baikal region since the Upper Paleolithic, though the precise history of its peoples over this long time span is still largely unknown. Here, we report genome-wide data from 19 Upper Paleolithic to Early Bronze Age individuals from this Siberian region. An Upper Paleolithic genome shows a direct link with the First Americans by sharing the admixed ancestry that gave rise to all non-Arctic Native Americans. We also demonstrate the formation of Early Neolithic and Bronze Age Baikal populations as the result of prolonged admixture throughout the eighth to sixth millennium BP. Moreover, we detect genetic interactions with western Eurasian steppe populations and reconstruct Yersinia pestis genomes from two Early Bronze Age individuals without western Eurasian ancestry. Overall, our study demonstrates the most deeply divergent connection between Upper Paleolithic Siberians and the First Americans and reveals human and pathogen mobility across Eurasia during the Bronze Age.
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The Mevieval Academy of America hosted a Webinar on 15 May 2023 with the title “The Mother of All Pandemics: The State of Black Death Research in the Era of Covid-19”.
Moderators: Winston Black (Independent Scholar) and Lori Jones (Univ. of Ottawa)
Respondent: Monica Green (Independent Scholar)
Bibliographer: Joris Roosen (Independent Scholar)
Seeta Chaganti (Univ. of California, Davis)
Gérard Chouin (William & Mary)
Matthew Gabriele (Virginia Tech)
Robert Hymes (Columbia Univ.)
Nükhet Varlik (Rutgers University)
The whole record of the webinar is now available on youtube:
And the webinar is accompanied by an extensive bibliography.
Marcel Keller
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Axis II - History of Plague, Conferences and Workshops
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Program in Medieval Studies at Princeton, in collaboration with Climate Change and History Research Initiative launches a new seminar series dedicated to the history of pandemics through the ages, coordinated by Professors John Haldon and Helmut Reimitz.
Axis I - 14th Century Crisis, Axis II - History of Plague, From the Editors
Marcel KellerLeave a comment
伋理ip软件免费免费高匿伋理ip地址 was initially established after a session on the EAA 2012 in Helsinki, Finland to facilitate communication and international exchange of researchers across disciplines. Main focus was the crisis of the 14th century triggered by climatic deterioration followed by crop failures and ultimately the devastating plague pandemic, today known as the Black Death.
In the last decade, not the least stimulated through palaeogenetic studies presenting Yersinia pestis genomes from the Neolithic up to the 18th century, the field of ‘plague studies’ flourished and diversified. During the Annual Conference of the Society for Medieval Archaeology in York 2023 on “The Long Black Death”, the demand for a central platform for plague researchers for exchange, communication and public outreach became apparent. Among different options, it was discussed to make use of the already existing Black Death Network. This idea was brought forward to the original editors, Clare Downham, Kerstin Pasda Rainer Schreg and Richard Thomas, and they generously agreed to open the Black Death Network for plague researchers in general. For this, the editorial team was extended, now including also Sacha Kacki, Marcel Keller and Phil Slavin.
高可用全球免费伋理IP库:2 天前 · 全球免费伋理IP库,高可用IP,精心筛选优质IP,2s必达,每秒持续更新 IP 端口 匿名度 类型 位置 所属国 运营商 响应速度 存活时间 最后验证时间 century crisis will be maintained as Axis I, dedicated to the climatological, ecological, social, economic and political transformations surrounding events such as the Great Famine of 1315-1317, the St. Mary Magdalene’s flood 1342, and the Black Death 1346-1353. In addition, the history of plague will form Axis II, diachronically approaching the history of plague (as caused by Yersinia pestis伋理IP - 国内高质量伋理服务器_一键换ip:2021-6-12 · 伋理IP是国内领先的伋理ip软件服务商,专注于提供动态ip、http伋理等资源,IP线路遍布全国,满足您任何换ip需求,支持http ...th海外伋理ipth century.
The intersection of both axes and focal point of this blog will be the Black Death. The Black Death Network is open to researchers from a broad variety of disciplines, including but not limited to the ones listed in the figure. To become a member of the Network, please contact one of the admins. You will have to create a profile which allows you to post on the Black Death Network blog. We kindly ask all new members to post a short introduction in the “Researchers” category.
To improve the structure of the blog, we created a number of blog post categories:
Publications and Resources
In News and Media
Conferences and Workshops
Lectures and Talks
Research projects and groups
Research Insights
Comment and Opinion
Book Reviews
Please contact one of the admins for requests for additional categories. Here you can find short introductions and guidelines for the individual categories. In addition, we will offer curated bibliographies on selected topics which can be found via the top menu. Please contact the editors if you would like to contribute.
On behalf of the editorial team
Sacha Kacki, Marcel Keller, Rainer Schreg, Phil Slavin
Marcel Keller
Axis II - History of Plague, Exhibitions and Events, In News and Media, Publications and Resources
Marcel KellerLeave a comment
It is an irony of fate that the biggest and most comprehensive exhibition about bubonic plague ever organized – the special exhibition Pest! by the LWL Museum for Archaeology in Herne (Germany) – had to be closed due to a pandemic. The exhibition opened on Sept. 20, 2023 and was supposed to end on May 10, 2023, but due to the Covid-19 crisis, the museum had to close its doors in mid-March. Today the museum announced on its webpage that the exhibition will be reopened on May 5 and will be extended until November 15. Facing the current hygiene measures, the organizers adapted the already excellent exhibiton design and offer all audio files and the exhibition booklet now online. But the team was creative meanwhile and produced a video tour through the exhibition during the lockdown:
To give some perspective on the scope of the exhibition: It included 11 thematic sections from palaeogenetic discoveries of prehistoric plague to modern perception of plague and its history. In total around 300 objects are shown, more than 200 figures and illustrations, 11 pedagogical stations, and 3 movies on plague. The smallest object on display are Y. pestis bacteria on a microscope slide, the biggest object is the original anchor of Grand Saint Antoine, the “plague ship” which was responsible for one of the last European plague outbreaks 1720-1722 in Marseille. The exhibition includes also the iconic wall of “plague doctor” masks and the art installation “Totentanz” by the artist Claudia Pomowski.
The exhibition is accompanied by a catalogue of almost 700 pages, including not only photos and descriptions of all objects, but also an extensive essay section of around 200 pages. The table of context can be below. The exhibition catalogue can be ordered directly from the museum shop in a special edition for 24.95 € or at your favorite book seller.
4 Impressum
5 Mitarbeiter Ausstellung und Katalog
7 Leihgeber, Partner und Förderer
14 Grusswort der Staatsministerin für Internationale Kulturpolitik im Auswärtigen Amt
15 Grusswort des Landschaftsverbandes Westfalen-Lippe (LWL)
16 Einführung, Stefan Leenen
20 Vom Pesthauch zu Yersinia pestis, Eine Geisel der Menschheit im Wandel der Zeit, Kay Peter Jankrift
30 Von der Seuchengeschichte der Pest zu einer Naturgeschichte ihres Erregers. Neue Einblicke durch alte DNA, Marcel Keller
48 Katzen, Ratten, Flöhe. Tiere als Überträger der Pest, Valeska Becker
56 打造免费伋理IP池 - 云+社区 - 腾讯云:2021-6-30 · 爬虫的过程中,当对方服务器发现你屡次爬取它,可能会遇到被封IP的苦痛,这时IP就应该换啦,打造IP池的意义十分重要,提供免费IP网站有很多,本次用的是西刺伋理I..., Frank Siegmund
64 Üble Kerne unter der Haut. Neu erschlossene medizinische Quellen zur Beulenpest im frühmittelalterlichen China, Rudolf Pfister
84 Die Justinianische Pest. Ausgelöst durch Klimaevents? Susanne Brather-Walter
92 Die 1340er-Jahre als Schlüsseljahrzehnt der »Great Transition«. Eine klimahistorische Perspektive auf den Vorabend des Schwarzen Todes, Martin Bauch, Annabell Engel
100 Papst und Pest. Avignon 1348, Ralf Lützelschwab
112 一站式IP伋理:一站式IP伋理 国内专业的高质量IP供应商 优势:延迟低丨切换快丨IP多丨网速快 免费 试用 Windows下载 Android下载 iPhone下载 更懂您的伋理IP PART A 千万级IP池库存,遍布全国的优质节点 数万独拨线路,7*24小时不间断供应IP 配置自有机房,保证用户独享 ..., Christian Scholl
122 da man die Juden zu Colne sluch. Das Pestpogrom in Köln von 1349, Tanja Potthoff, Michael Wiehen
Archaeology, Axis II - History of Plague, Climatology and Climate History, Ecology, History, Palaeogenetics, Publications and Resources
preiserkapellerLeave a comment
a Blog Entry based on an updated extract from my book “Jenseits von Rom und Karl dem Großen” (Vienna 2018):
Byzantinist/medievalist at the Austrian Academy of Sciences with a tendency to experiment with concepts and methodologies from global/environmental history, complexity studies, network analysis.
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Archäologie der Erreger. Archaeologik (28.3.2023)
Sorry, this blogpost is in German. However, corrections are welcome.
Rainer Schreg
professor in medieval and postmedieval archaeology at Bamberg university
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Axis II - History of Plague, Publications and Resources
Rainer SchregLeave a comment
It is difficult to assess the impact of the plague. A new study related to the Justinian plague based on written sources comes up with the hypothesis, that is has been overestimated
Mordechai, Lee; Eisenberg, Merle; Newfield, Timothy P.; Izdebski, Adam; Kay, Janet E.; Poinar, Hendrik (2023): The Justinianic Plague. An inconsequential pandemic? In: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. – doi:
professor in medieval and postmedieval archaeology at Bamberg university
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Axis I - 14th Century Crisis, 海外伋理ip, Book Reviews, Zooarchaeology
Rezension: Die Archäozoologie der Pest
Rainer SchregLeave a comment
Ptolemaios Dimitrios Paxinos Die Archäozoologie der Pest. Die Auswirkungen des Schwarzen Todes (1347-1350) auf Tierhaltung und Viehnutzung im Gebiet des heutigen Deutschland Documenta Archaeobiologiae 12 Rahden: Leidorf 2017.
Hardcover, 318 S., 101 Abbildungen, 81 Tabellen. ISBN 978-3-89646-628-0
Rezension im Original in:
Archäologische Informationen 42, 2023, im Early View, online publiziert 12. Jan. 2023 im Early View als PDF unter CC BY 4.0
Archäobiologie hat in den vergangenen Jahren wichtige neue Beiträge zur
Geschichte der Pest geliefert. Genetische Studien haben das Bakterium
Yersinia pestis als Erreger des Schwarzen Todes im 14. Jahrhundert
bestätigt, dabei aber auch gezeigt, dass es kurz vor dem beprobten
Massengrab von London-Smithfield zu einer Mutation des Erregers gekommen
ist (Bos u. a., 2011; Bos u.a., 2012). Damit stellt sich die Frage nach
den Voraussetzungen der Epidemie und speziell nach dem Einfluss der
Kulturlandschaft. Diese war nach dem sog. Landesausbau und den regional
verschiedenen Prozessen der Dorfgenese in den vorausgehenden
Generationen unter den Bedingungen der beginnenden Kleinen Eiszeit im
14. Jahrhundert starkem ökologischem Stress ausgesetzt. Langfristige
Veränderungen ihrer Biotope, aber auch kurzfristige Extremwetter wie die
sog. Magdalenenflut kurz vor der Ernte 1342 haben sicher auch die Nager
als Reservoir und Überträger von Yersinia pestis – die ja eigentlich
eine Nagerkrankheit ist – betroffen.
Das Thema der Dissertation
von Ptolemaios Dimitrios Paxinos sind aber weder die archäogenetischen
Nachweise von Yersinia pestis noch die Voraussetzungen oder Auswirkungen
des Schwarzen Tods selbst. Ziel ist es vielmehr, mit den Methoden
„konventioneller“ zooarchäologischer Forschung zur Pest herauszufinden,
wie die Menschen mit der viel umfassenderen Krise umgegangen sind.
Welche mittel- und langfristigen Veränderungen ergaben sich daraus für
Viehwirtschaft und Ernährung? Ob man die Entwicklung des 14.
Jahrhunderts tatsächlich als „Krise“ begreifen möchte oder nicht
(Schreg, 2011), spielt hier eine untergeordnete Rolle.
gliedert seine Arbeit in vier Teile. Teil 1 umfasst die Einführung in
das Thema, die Darstellung der Quellenlage und der angewandten Methoden
(S. 15-46). Teil 2 (S. 47-78) präsentiert die regionale Skalenebene, für
die die Untersuchungen an den Tierknochen zweier konkreter Fundplätze
vorgestellt werden. Das sind zum einen der Kölner Dom und zum anderen
der Fischmarkt in Konstanz, wobei Paxinos erstere auf Grundlage eigener
Bestimmungen, letztere auf Basis der Publikation von Priloff (2000)
sowie der zur Verfügung gestellten Primärdaten analysiert.
Teil 3
(S. 79-118) betrifft die überregionale Ebene und vergleicht dazu die
Tierknochenfunde von 173 Fundplätzen. Der abschließende Teil 4 (S.
119-138) liefert die Diskussion der Befunde und schließlich folgt ein
umfangreicher Anhang mit Tabellen, aber ohne Bereitstellung
weiternutzbarer digitaler Daten.
Periode A1 ist länger
als die sonst angesetzten 50-Jahresschritte, da in der Realität viele,
nämlich 57 Fundkomplexe auch noch ältere, frühund hochmittelalterliche
Knochen beinhalten, die eben in dieser Periode A1 zusammengefasst sind.
B beschränkt sich allein auf den kurzfristigen Zeitraum unmittelbar
nach dem Schwarzen Tod, in dem sich Bevölkerungsrückgang und
Wüstungsprozess fortsetzten. Daten, die in diese Periode fallen, zeigen
also die kurzfristigen Auswirkungen der Pest. Nur in zwei Fundkomplexen –
in dem des Kölner Doms und dem des Fischmarkts in Konstanz, die in Teil
2 detailliert ausgewertet werden – lassen sich tatsächlich Funde auf
Periode B eingrenzen. Periode C ermöglicht mit insgesamt 19
Fundkomplexen die Erfassung langfristigerer Trends, da sie zweigeteilt
das 15. Jahrhundert umfasst. Insgesamt 17 Komplexe sind dem 16.
Jahrhundert als Periode D zuzuweisen.
Fundstellen mit geeigneten
chronologisch differenzierbaren Funden des 14. Jh. sind also nicht
besonders häufig. Auch Köln und Konstanz spiegeln aufgrund der
jeweiligen Sekundärablagerung in der Kirche bzw. einer Landgewinnung am
Seeufer nicht unmittelbar das Konsumverhaltens eines einzelnen
Haushalts. Hinzu kommt, dass Handwerkerabfälle eine besondere Rolle
spielen. So ist es trotz zahlreicher stadtarchäologischer Grabungen
bisher nur bedingt gelungen, eine solide Datenbasis zu schaffen, die für
eine gezielte übergreifende Fragestellung, wie sie Paxinos verfolgt,
wirklich ausreichend wäre. Die besonders wichtigen Funde aus ländlichen
Siedlungen fallen für eine Auswertung sogar völlig aus. Paxinos stellt
S. 88 fest, dass sich die Datenbasis für ländliche Siedlungen gegenüber
der Synthese von Benecke (1994) vor fast 25 Jahren kaum verbessert habe.
Ländliche Siedlungen sind v.a. nach 1350 noch immer unterrepräsentiert
(S. 33), obgleich die Wüstungsforschung seit dem 19. Jahrhundert ein
nicht ganz unwesentliches Forschungsfeld darstellt. Angesichts des
immensen Zuwachses denkmalpflegerischer Maßnahmen im Rahmen der immer
wichtigeren privatwirtschaftlichen Archäologie ist das sehr bedenklich,
denn offenbar gelingt es nicht, die zahllosen Rettungsgrabungen effektiv
als historische Quellen in Wert zu setzen. Problematisch ist auch, dass
gerade Latrinen und Brunnen, die Archäologen immer als besonders
spannend erachten, im Hinblick auf die Praxis der Tierhaltung kaum
auszuwerten sind, da hier besondere Prozesse einer primären Formation
Paxinos vergleicht auf Basis dieser chronologischen
Einteilung (sowie einer regionalen Differenzierung) die Statur der
Tiere, repräsentiert durch Robustheit und Widerristhöhe, die
Geschlechtszusammensetzungen und die Altersspektren.
Die Analyse
der Daten zeigt vielfältige Veränderungen auf. Das Rind beispielsweise
nimmt in den Perioden A1 bis A3 mehr als die Hälfte des Fundmaterials
ein, sinkt in Periode A4 bis B auf 44 % und steigt im 15. Jahrhundert
kurzfristig auf 46,7 %, ehe es in Periode D nur noch bei 37,5 % liegt
(S. 91). Auffallend – aber noch nicht ausreichend untersucht – ist die
Beobachtung, dass Katzenfunde insbesondere in Latrinen nach der Pest
zunehmen, sodass es zumindest denkbar erscheint, dass man der „bösen“
Katze eine Mitschuld an der Katastrophe gab und sie in der Folge
häufiger tötete und im Müll entsorgte (S. 93). Allerdings könnte es auch
sein, dass die steigende Zahl von Katzen mit einem erhöhten
Rattenvorkommen zu tun hat. Letzteres kann Paxinos mit seinen
Fundkomplexen nicht überprüfen. Hier deutet sich aber an, wie wichtig
archäo-zoologische Untersuchungen auch an Kleintieren wie Nagern, aber
auch Vögeln wären, da sie für das Verständnis von Epidemien, aber auch
von Landschaftswandel gerade im Spätmittelalter grundlegend sind.
auf seiner Datenanalyse eröffnet Paxinos die Diskussion (Teil 4) mit
der Arbeitshypothese, dass „die spätmittelalterliche Krise im
Allgemeinen und der Schwarze Tod im Besonderen […] kurz- und/oder
langfristig zu Veränderungen in der Viehnutzung des Spätmittelalters
. Diese Veränderungen spiegeln sich nicht nur in einer
Verschiebung der wirtschaftlichen Bedeutung der einzelnen Nutztiere,
sondern auch in einer Änderung ihres Phänotyps wider.” (S. 121). Die
Kapitel 12 und 13 werten die Ergebnisse der Einzeluntersuchungen bzw.
der überregionalen Untersuchung aus und zeigen, dass es im 14.
Jahrhundert die postulierten kurz- und langfristige Veränderungen
tatsächlich gegeben hat. Die Untersuchung der Größenparameter Robustheit
und Größe belegt Veränderungen bei der Haltung und Fütterung der
wichtigsten Nutztiere während des Spätmittelalters. Die Rinder aus Köln
und Konstanz beispielsweise sind im Zeitraum von hundert Jahren nach der
Pest deutlich kleiner und zierlicher.
Letztlich kann der Band die
Frage nicht klären, inwiefern der beobachtete Wandel tatsächlich
ursächlich mit der Pest zusammenhängt. Methodisch hat Paxinos hier den
Weg einer Korrelation beschritten, der bestenfalls ein zeitliches und
räumliches Zusammenfallen feststellen, aber keine Aussagen zu Wirk- und
Kausalzusammenhängen liefern kann. Der fragestellungsorientierte Fokus
auf das 14. Jahrhundert wird hier insofern problematisch, als kaum zu
erfassen ist, wie stark die normale Variabilität in der Zeit ist und
inwiefern dem 14. Jahrhundert tatsächlich die Qualität einer Zäsur
Noch aber scheint auch im Fach – egal ob an den
Universitäten oder der Denkmalpflege – kaum Bewusstsein für die
Bedeutung dieser „theoretischen” Fragen und für die methodischen Ansätze
vorhanden zu sein. Paxinos deutet die weiteren Zusammenhänge nur an,
doch zeigt seine Arbeit mustergültig, welches historische Potenzial in
der Archäozoologie steckt, und dass sie mehr ist als eine Artenliste der
Tierknochenfunde – sofern den Knochen bei Ausgrabung und Publikation
die gebührende Aufmerksamkeit und Sorgfalt geschenkt wird. Paxinos
leistet einen wichtigen Beitrag zur Weiterentwicklung von Fragestellung
und Methoden und es ist zu wünschen, dass die auf den ersten Blick sehr
spezielle Arbeit breit rezipiert wird.
Benecke, N. (1994). Archäozoologische Studien zur Entwicklung der
Haustierhaltung in Mitteleuropa und Südskandinavien von den Anfängen bis
zum ausgehenden Mittelalter. (Schriften zur Ur- und Frühgeschichte 46).
Berlin: Akademie-Verlag.
Bos, K. I., Schuenemann, V. J., Golding, G. B. u. a. (2011). A draft
genome of Yersinia pestis from victims of the Black Death. Nature 478,
7370, 2011, 506–510.
Bos, K. I., Stevens, P., Nieselt, K., Poinar, H. N., DeWitte, S. N.,
Krause, J., Gilbert, M. T. P. (2012). Yersinia pestis: New Evidence for
an Old Infection. PLoS ONE 7,11, 2012, e49803.
Prillof, R.-J. (2000). Tierknochen aus dem mittelalterlichen
Konstanz. Eine archäozoologische Studie zur Ernährungswirtschaft und zum
Handwerk im Hoch- und Spätmittelalter. (Materialhefte zur Archäologie
in Baden-Württemberg 50). Stuttgart: Theiss.
Schreg, R. (2011). Die Krisen des Späten Mittelalter – Perspektiven,
Probleme, Potentiale. In F. Daim, D. Gronenborn & R. Schreg
(Hrsg.), Strategien zum Überleben. Umweltkrisen und ihre Bewältigung.
(RGZMTagungen 11). (S. 195-214). Mainz: RGZM.
Rainer Schreg
Rainer Schreg
professor in medieval and postmedieval archaeology at Bamberg university
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Archaeology, Axis I - 14th Century Crisis, Axis II - History of Plague, Conferences and Workshops, Ecology, Epidemiology, Geoarchaeology, Palaeogenetics, Physical Anthropology
CfP EAA Barcelona 2018: Re‐thinking medieval and early modern pestilences from a biosocial perspective: advanced methods and renewed concepts in archaeological sciences
Marcel KellerLeave a comment
EAA Barcelona 2018 – 5‐8 September 2018 Call for Papers and Posters Deadline: 15 February 2018 Re‐thinking medieval and early modern pestilences from a biosocial perspective: advanced methods and renewed concepts in archaeological sciences
While contagious diseases have affected the human species since its origins, great medieval epidemics (e.g. plague, leprosy, tuberculosis) have sparked particular interest for decades. In recent years, archaeology has played an increasing role in the scientific study of medieval pestilences, notably by providing reliable data on both the paleobiology of epidemic victims and their burial treatment. Despite the various breakthroughs reached by interdisciplinary research, the study of past epidemics still needs to get improved, particularly through an integrated analysis of biological and social dimensions of these diseases, which are closely interrelated. We invite contributions regarding both recent methodological advances in the retrospective diagnosis of infectious diseases and the output of archaeological sciences on social and cultural factors acting in human populations’ adaptability to these diseases.
The session shall address various questions, among which:
– What are the new lines of research and future perspectives in paleopathological and palaeomicrobiological study of these diseases?
– What information paleobiological data derived from skeletal assemblages can provide on the epidemiological characteristics of the diseases?
– What was the endemicity of diseases in various places, how did they evolve over time, and how did various diseases competed each other?
– How funerary archaeology and textual sources contributes to reappraise the history of these diseases (e.g. attitudes towards the victims in terms of their integration and/or exclusion, depending on the time period and cultural framework)?
– Which methodological implementation would be desirable in the future to allow retrospective diagnosis of still poorly-known diseases (e.g. ergotism)?
Session details:
– Session theme: Theories and methods in archaeological sciences
– Session ID: #413
– Session type: Session, made up of a combination of papers, max. 15 minutes each
Session organizers:
– Dr. Dominique Castex, CNRS, UMR 5199 – PACEA, Université de Bordeaux, Pessac, France,
– Dr. Mark Guillon, Inrap, UMR 5199 – PACEA, Université de Bordeaux, Pessac, France,
– Maria Spyrou, Max Planck Institute for the Science of Human History, Jena, Germany,
– Marcel Keller, Max Planck Institute for the Science of Human History, Jena, Germany,
– Dr. Sacha Kacki, Department of Archaeology, Durham University, United Kingdom,
Abstract submission deadline: 15 February 2018
If you are interested to submit a Paper or Poster proposal, please use the conference website at
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Further information, including registration details, general and practical information, etc. can be found on the conference website
Marcel Keller
Axis II - History of Plague, 免费伋理地址, Epidemiology, Microbiology
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Dear colleagues,
New plague research has just been published with particular importance for the discussion of the early-phase transmission and transmission by proventricular blockage. B.J. Hinnebusch, Senior Investigator at the Laboratory of Zoonotic Pathogens, NIH, NIAID, Rocky Mountain Laboratories, has long been one of the sharpest critics of the early-phase theory of transmission, see, for instance, his article “Biofilm-Dependent and Bio-Film-Independent Mechanisms of using Transmission of Yersinia pestis by Fleas”, Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology, 954; 2012: 237‒243. In these days, he publishes with co-authors an evidently crucial article on this topic: Hinnebusch, B.J. Bland, D.M., Bosio, C.F., Jarrett, C.O., “Comparative Ability of Oropsylla montana and Xenopylla cheopis Fleas to transmitt Yersinia pestis by two Different Mechanisms” PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases | DOI: 10…1371/journal.pntd.0005276 January 12, 2017: 1-15.
They used fleas of Oropsylla montana provided by two of the central advocates of the early-phase theory, which excludes that different strains of this flea could affect the outcome. The conventional vector of plague ‘par excellence’, Xenopsylla cheopis, was used for comparison. Contrary to earlier assertions by the advocates of the early-phase theory that Oropsylla montana rarely develop proventricular blockage, it was shown to block earlier and surviving longer after becoming blocked than X. Cheopis, and that transmission by blockage was as good as or better than observed for X. cheopis. This (re)confirmed earlier research on the vector capacity of this species of flea (see, e.g., the fully referenced comments in my monograph The Black Death and Later Plague Epidemic in the Scandinavian Countries, 2016: 377, 403, 630, 658).
In this article, the early-phase theory is dismantled as an important or significant means or mechanism of transmission of plague. In a personal communication by email of 01.03.17, Hinnebusch states that “In fact, I think early-phase transmission only has a role in very special circumstances, such as during an epizootic of plague in a dense [rodent] population that is both highly susceptible (LD50< 10) and that routinely develops very high bacteremia levels (>108 to 109 Y. pestis/ml) before death. High flea density is also a likely precondition, as intermittent challenges from just a few fleas at a time would frequently lead to resistance rather than productive, transmissible disease (bacteremia).”
This also means that early-phase transmission is of no significance in plague epidemics, except perhaps, at the individual level, the occasional transmission of immunity-inducing tiny doses of plague bacteria (that will be easily dealt with by the human immune apparatus). It will also become clear that Hinnebusch et al. corroborate and deepen earlier plague research: it is pointed out that this type of early-phase transmission was identified by the Indian Plague Research Commission (IPRC) in 1907 and that the pioneering studies of Bacot of the IPRC on blockage in fleas IPRC 1914 and 1915, are still tenable and relevant. The bibliography contains studies from the entire 1900s, not least 1940s, which have kept their value as fine research.
Finally, I will point out that my recently published monograph contains a long study of early-phase transmission in Chapter 12: 625-655 (with bibliographic references included in the General Bibliography). Its conclusions and basic analysis agree with this recent study by Hinnebusch et al.
Kind regards,
Ole J. Benedictow,
Emeritus Professor
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Ole Benedictow – Introduction & new publication
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My monograph The Black Death and Later Plague Epidemics in the Scandinavian Countries: Perspectives and Controversies, Berlin: De Greuter, pp. 736, has just appeared: it is published in hardcover edition and also on the Internet in the form of Open access, De Greuter Open, . The book provides much new work on the Black Death, but also translations of works that so far has not been available in English. It also contains several long chapters that relate thoroughly to questions and controversies with respect to the presence of black rats in the Nordic countries (pp. 395-451 with three maps), transmission and dissemination by human ectoparasites, and the early-phase transmission theory or hypothesis rather (as long its advocates cannot explain how pathogenic doses of plague bacteria in the foregut of fleas are moved into a new bite site against the strong stream of a new blood meal).
This involves also the gathering together and presentation of all data on plague bacteraemia in rats and human beings to clarify their potential roles as sources of infection of feeding fleas and lice, the prevalence of bacteremia in rats and human beings measured as number of plague bacteria per mL (mm3) of blood, the volume of blood fleas or lice ingest (µL), and, thus, the potential role of human ectoparasites and rat fleas in the transmission and dissemination of plague bacteria. Finally, there is discussion of border values of Lethal Doses of transmission in the case of human beings and the presence and conditions for transmission of LDs of plague bacteria. There are also studies of the pattern, rhythm and seasonality of the spread of plague epidemics as reflections of and, thus, sources of information on the processes of transmission and dissemination.
The introductory general chapter on plague contains also two specific subchapters that really are lengthy articles. In Chapter 1.5, all paleobiological data on finds of aDNA or F1 antigen of Y. pestis in putative plague graves are gathered together with a comprehensive presentation of the research history and achievements of the new discipline of paleobiology in plague-related research, pp. 73-99. Chapter 1.4, reverts to the topic of alternative theories of plague, in this case an epidemiological alternative, which so far has not been addressed seriously and critically: ‘Serious Plague History under Pressure: The Twelfth Theory of Historical Plague. Comments on the Recent paper “Climate-driven Introductions of the Black Death and Successive Plague Reintroductions into Europe”, pp. 35-72. The relevant points on the role of human ectoparasites in the epidemiology of plague are discussed in the chapters mentioned above.
I will be grateful for all critical and supplementary reactions, which can come to good use now that my English publisher has asked me to write a 2nd edn. of my monograph on the Black Death and I am working on it to the hilt. This is also the case with respect to my previous monograph What Disease was Plague? On the Controversy over the Microbiological Identity of Plague Epidemics of the Past, Leiden: Brill , pp. 746.
Happy New Year to all,
Ole J. Benedictow
Emeritus Professor,
Department of History,
University of Oslo
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EAA Vilnius 2016: Session report on “Plague in diachronic and interdisciplinary perspective”
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The following session report byDoris Gutsmiedl-Schümann (Freie Universität Berlin, Germany), Sacha Kacki (Université de Bordeaux, France), Marcel Keller (MPI-SHH Jena, Germany) and Christina Lee (University of Nottingham, UK) will be published in The European Archaeologist. With kind permission of the EAA.
Edit 17-02-07: filmed talks are now linked under the respective name.
Plague, an infectious disease caused by the bacterium Yersinia pestis, occurred in at least three major historical pandemics: the Justinianic Plague (6th to 8th century), the Black Death (1348-1352, with further epidemic outbreaks until the 18th century), and the Modern or Hong Kong Plague (19th to 20th century). However, it appears that the disease may be much older: DNA from Bronze Age human skeleton has recently shown that plague first emerged at least as early as 3000 BC. As any disease, plague has both a biological as well as a social dimension. Different disciplines can therefore explicate different aspects of plague which can lead to a better understanding of the disease and its medical and social implications.
How did different societies react to plague? In which way may we prove or disprove evidence for such reactions – and which disciplines may contribute to the debate?
What where the common aspects, and what the differences of the various plague outbreaks? Are there any epidemiological characteristics that are essential and/or unique to plague?
What are possible implications of the pandemic spread and endemic occurrence of plague through the ages for the interpretation of historical and cultural phenomena?
Continue reading EAA Vilnius 2016: Session report on “Plague in diachronic and interdisciplinary perspective”→
Marcel Keller
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Introduction – Marcel Keller
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I am a PhD student in the department Archaeogenetics of the Max Planck Institute for the Science of Human History in Jena, Germany. My academic background is Biology (B.Sc./M.Sc.) with specialization in Anthropology and Human Biology. The main project of my PhD is the reconstruction of genomes of Yersinia pestis of both the first (Justinianic Plague) and second pandemic (following the Black Death) in Europe. Additional ancient genomes of Y. pestis are crucial for phylogenetic analyses and allow a more detailed picture of the spatiotemporal distribution of plague.
Marcel Keller
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The Black Death Network combines two axes, one on the crisis of the 14th century and one on the history of plague (caused by Yersinia pestis), both intersecting at the Black Death (1346-1353). Infamous for killing 30–60% of the European population, the Black Death was only one among multiple disasters of the profoundly tumultuous 14th century following harvest failures and human famine triggered by climatic deterioration. But the Black Death was only one major pandemic event of 海外伋理ip, a pathogen emerging already in Neolithic Eurasia and causing outbreaks until today.
Understanding both the 14th-century crisis and the history of plague requires:
– a broad interdisciplinary approach, bringing together humanities and sciences;
– comparative approaches both spatially and temporally to detect recurring patterns or unique events in complex human-environment interactions
– to bring researchers from various disciplines together;
– to create an interdisciplinary network sharing information on new research;
– to connect students and experienced scholars from all disciplines.
Interdisciplinary approaches to the 14th century crisis and the history of plague
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